Our Vision:
A Food Secure Aotearoa
Our Purpose:
Beginning in 2018, Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective is committed to addressing the root causes of food-related poverty and working towards a food secure Aotearoa New Zealand.
We build Te Tiriti grounded, long-term, sustainable solutions to ensure all people, at all times, have agency and access to enough nourishing, affordable, sustainably-sourced, culturally-appropriate food.
Our Work:
Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective brings us together in Kotahitanga: whānau, iwi, hapū, kaupapa Māori organisations, community, farmers, fishers, hunters, divers, growers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, philanthropy, policy makers, local and central government and more.
Our kaupapa is guided by our Kai Rawa Trust and implemented by our Kaimahi unit. We follow three strategic pou:
Mana Centred Practice - to champion mana centred practice across all aspects of our mahi
Systems Transformation - to see transformative change in the current structural systems* to bring about a food secure Aotearoa
*The current structural systems are ones that perpetuate poverty resulting in food insecurity
Relationship Building - to establish relationships and collaborations that will enable food security to be experienced by all in Aotearoa
Our Name:
E kore, e kore, e kore hiakai!
There shall never, ever be hunger for our people!
Offered from a phrase used in whaikōrero, gifted to us as an expression of our rootedness in Aotearoa.
This part of our name references the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #2:
‘Zero Hunger’ - creating a world free of hunger by 2030.
We chose this to signal our connection to the worldwide movement to address food-related poverty.
As no one group will solve food insecurity or create food security alone, we intend to do this collectively and collaboratively across many sector, with kotahitanga.
Our Values:
We recognise that food insecurity is driven by systems but experienced by Atua and people.
The culture of Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective prioritises a Te Tiriti lens, relationships, listening and reflecting, looking for equity and inclusion, careful languaging, gentle disruption, and scaling deep.
Our values include: Ūkaipōtanga, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Wairuatanga, Kotahitanga, Rangatiratanga.
Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective sit within the Kāwangatanga sphere of the Te Tiriti relationship, as we are created under Kāwanatanga laws and framework.
Identifying Kore Hiakai as part of the Kāwanatanga side of Te Tiriti relationships invites us to continuously seek Te Ao Māori understandings and deep relationships with Tangata Whenua to help shape and guide all aspects of our mahi. This is part of addressing root causes to poverty, including addressing the actions of the past which, as a Kāwanatanga organisation, we have responsibility for as a Te Tiriti partner.
As agents of change Kore Hiakai recognise the role that Tangata Tiriti plays by requiring Tangata Tiriti to share power and acknowledge the wisdom and rangatiratanga of Tangata Whenua. Kore Hiakai commit to embedding a Tiriti frame in all aspects of our practice and organisational structure, our strategic plan and everyday mahi, in our kaimahi unit, our wider network and in our strategic leadership. This is a continuous process. Kore Hiakai are committed to regularly reflecting on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the effects of colonisation, continuously refining and resetting our practices.
Within the recognition of the role that Te Tiriti o Waitangi plays in guiding our decisions and behaviours we recognise the unique place of Tangata Moana in Aotearoa, as both Tuakana to Tangata Whenua, and teina. We recongise the systematic racism that has shaped our policies, practices and attitudes towards Tangata Moana resulting in many experiencing the effects of inter-generational Poverty, including food insecurity. We seek to redress this balance by prioritising the voice of Tangata Moana within all aspects of our practice and organisational structure, our strategic plan and everyday mahi, our kaimahi, our wider network and our strategic leadership.
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