Our Vision:

A Food Secure Aotearoa

Our Purpose:

Beginning in 2018, Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective is committed to addressing the root causes of food-related poverty and working towards a food secure Aotearoa New Zealand.

We build Te Tiriti grounded, long-term, sustainable solutions to ensure all people, at all times, have agency and access to enough nourishing, affordable, sustainably-sourced, culturally-appropriate food.

Our Work:

Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective brings us together in Kotahitanga: whānau, iwi, hapū, kaupapa Māori organisations, community, farmers, fishers, hunters, divers, growers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, philanthropy, policy makers, local and central government and more. 

Our kaupapa is guided by our Kai Rawa Trust and implemented by our Kaimahi unit. We follow three strategic pou:

  • Mana Centred Practice - to champion mana centred practice across all aspects of our mahi

  • Systems Transformation - to see transformative change in the current structural systems* to bring about a food secure Aotearoa

    *The current structural systems are ones that perpetuate poverty resulting in food insecurity

  • Relationship Building - to establish relationships and collaborations that will enable food security to be experienced by all in Aotearoa

Our Name:

Image of three bowls balanced atop one another

Our Values:

We recognise that food insecurity is driven by systems but experienced by Atua and people.

The culture of Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective prioritises a Te Tiriti lens, relationships, listening and reflecting, looking for equity and inclusion, careful languaging, gentle disruption, and scaling deep.

Our values include: Ūkaipōtanga, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Wairuatanga, Kotahitanga, Rangatiratanga.

Feedback on our mahi

  • The Aotearoa Food Parcel Measure was extremely useful as it gave us a formula to ensure kai oranga was delivered by providing nutritionally adequate food to our hapori. We then then added rongoā Maori to cater for our whānau wellbeing. Being able to Access this tool made the volumes of ordering and delivery easier for us to manage while knowing our whānau were eating well.

    Community Connector , Te Puna Oranga o Ōtaki

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