Kai Rawa Trust
Kai Rawa is a declaration that kai, and all that is meant by the kupu ‘kai’, is exceedingly good and abundant. The Trust chose this name to declare our moemoea, our vision, for Aotearoa and its people. This statement helps us to move towards that which we want to manifest.
The Kai Rawa Trust provides the container which holds the Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective and the Kore Hiakai kaimahi team as we strive towards that goal - A food secure Aotearoa.
Helen Robinson - Trustee & Chair
Te Ātiawa o te waka a Māui - I have devoted most of my life to addressing the social issues of Aotearoa New Zealand. I am currently Manutaki, City Missioner, at Te Tapui Atawhai Auckland City Mission. I am proud to be part of the Kai Rawa Trust, the kaitiaki of Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective, where together we work towards a future where no one goes hungry, everyone has access to good food and there is a more equitable and prosperous Aotearoa for all.
Alannah Marriott - Trustee
Ki te taha o tōku Māmā, Ko Hikurangi te maunga, Ko Waiapu te awa, Ko Ngāti Porou tōku iwī. Ko te Whanau o Ruataupare me te Whanau o Rakairoa ōku hapū. Ki te taha o toku papa no Blackpool Ingarangi, Ngāti Wēra, me Ngāti Kōtimana ahau.
Alannah is invested in kaupapa that improve outcomes for Māori. She has had 40 years of working with whanau, iwi, public sector and NGO’s across a range of sectors including education, social services, health, education and justice. She sees a key role for the re-indigenisation of the values and beliefs driving the current system to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable access to nutritious kai.
Brook Turner - Trustee
Kia ora koutou e te whānau. I am currently with Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga as Head of Services Development and Partnerships. My involvement in the Kai Rawa Trust board comes from a passion for a food secure Aotearoa. In my work, I see the effects of food insecurity every day. Something must change. Systems change must be prioritised if we want an Aotearoa where food security is normalised as a right for all. I believe Kore Hiakai is the collective with the potential to do this mahi and weave together a fully food secure Aotearoa.
Andrew Watene - Trustee
I tipu ake ahau ki Paengaroa, ki ngā rekereke o taku Whaea, he uri ahau no Tūhoe, Ko Andrew Watene taku ingoa.
I am here to contribute to Kai Rawa Trust’s mission of addressing root causes of food insecurity in New Zealand. I am conscious of the dramatic impact hunger can have on a person’s life for those who experience it. I’m dedicated to working with others to provide sustainable and consistent access to nutritious food for all of Aotearoa.
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Denis Grennell - Trustee
E ngā reo, e ngā mana, e nga karangaranga maha kei waenganui i a tātou tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna tātou katoa.
Nō te waka o Tainui tēnei. Ko Pirongia te maunga, ko Kāwhia moana, Kāwhia kai, Kāwhia tangata, ko Waipa te awa, ko Ngāti Maniapoto Iwi ko Ngāti Kinohaku te hapū. Koinei te tātai whakapapa o tōku whaea. Ki te taha o tōku matua nō te County Wextford tēnei, nō Airangi hoki ahau. I am from Māori (Ngāti Maniapoto) and Irish (County Wextford) descent.
I have 4 four tamariki and 6 mokopuna. They also have whakapapa ties to Tahiti, Rarotonga and Niue. Born in Wellington and raised in Porirua, I am from the first generation of urban born Māori males with the same lived experience as the majority of my generation.
Since my teens, I’ve gardened. This passion led to formal study in horticulture, later leading to organics and permaculture. However my career path led to the establishment of a training and development organisation with a focus on working between the two main corporate bodies of knowledge here; Mātauranga Māori and Western Epistemology. This work was across government, industry, community – whanau, hapū and Iwi. At this stage of my life, I’m returning to my passions and am honoured to be a Trustee of Kai Rawa Trust. This affords me the opportunity to keep my head above the clouds watching and progressing food security and sovereignty while I can get my hands dirty back home in the garden, back in the ngahere at Kāwhia.
I have a vison where everyone has access to healthy nontoxic food and the ability to produce it ourselves. No-one should go without in this land of plenty.
Pale Sauni - Trustee
Talofa lava malo le soifua.
I'm a Samoan-born senior educator who has a social work background.
My focus is on transformative ways of teaching and learning with a focus on pedagogies inspired through Pacific and Māori ways of being.
My interest in Kai Rawa is personal and community-influenced because of the respect I have for the priority of food sovereignty in our future generations. I am married to Marlane and we are privileged to have four young adults and five grandees who teach us a lot about how to live our lives! Ia manuia, fa'afetai.
Strategic Leadership Legacy
Kore Hiakai formally began in 2019 when six foundational social service partners came together to focus on the journey towards a Food Secure Aotearoa.
In late-2021, Alannah Marriott was appointed as an independent Māori member of the strategic leadership group.
In 2022, Kore Hiakai strategic leadership started the process of exploring how to become a stand-alone entity, including research on 14 models of For Purpose organisations, by Tim Foote.
In October 2022, the strategic leadership group decided to set up a charitable trust to be the container of Kore Hiakai. This trust was intended to reflect the three tikanga nature of the mahi of Kore Hiakai, and the intended membership of the wider Kore Hiakai Collective. We began to develop Te Waharoa as a framework for membership.
In 2023, our social service foundation partners released us to form a broader partnership to further this work. The independent charitable Kai Rawa trust was formed in May 2023 to hold our kaupapa and guide the Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective as we invite others to join our movement to strive for a Food Secure Aotearoa. Helen Robinson, Brook Turner, Alannah Marriott, and Tric Malcolm were the founding Trustees.
Ian Hutson and then Jono Bell were the representatives on behalf of Salvation Army.
As Jono Bell stepped back in 2020, Jodi Hoare joined the Strategic Leadership Group for Salvation Army.
Ten months later, Jono Bell joined the leadership group for Salvation Army after Jodi left.
Helen Robinson is the representative on behalf of Auckland City Mission.
Murray Edridge was the representative on behalf of Wellington City Mission.
Across 2021 & 2022, Kieran Meredith joined the strategic leadership group representing Wellington City Mission for a short period of time.
Zucchi Leonard was the representative on behalf of Christchurch City Mission.
Brook Turner is the representative on behalf of Visionwest.
Across 2021 & 2022, Sam Bogusz joined the strategic leadership group for a short period of time representing Visionwest.
NZCCSS hosted the six foundational partners and Trevor McGlinchey was its representative from 2019 to December 2020.
Nikki Hurst joined the Kore Hiakai strategic leadership team on behalf of NZCCSS in February 2021.
In early-2022, Renee Rewi joined the strategic leadership group on behalf of NZCCSS.
On 30 June 2023, NZCCSS ceased to hold Kore Hiakai and the Kai Rawa Trust became the container for the Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective.