What is a Food Parcel?

Aotearoa Food Parcel Measure (AFPM)

We invite foodbanks and community food organisations across Aotearoa to join in using this measure.

The Aotearoa Food Parcel Measure (AFPM) is a calculating tool to quantify the volume of kai assistance being given in our communities, distributed through food parcels compiled against the measure. It offers a consistent way for foodbanks and community food distributors to standardise compiling with balanced good foods, therefore counting food parcels by nutritionally adequate volume content.

We encourage community food groups to compile food parcels and measure their current practice against the Aotearoa Food Parcel Measure, and to share that data and any insights with us for analysis and dashboard development.

Contact: admin@korehiakai.org.nz for more information or onboarding support.

compilation resources

Download these posters below.

These resources are designed to support foodbanks and community food organisations with onboarding of the Aotearoa Food Parcel Measure and the nutritional make-up of food parcels. They provide serving examples for recommended daily intakes across the food groups in order to compile nutritionally adequate food parcels for whānau.

more choice model whānau cookbook

This resource and cookbook was developed to support organisations, individuals and whānau to help consider meals that are healthy and nutritionally adequate. It is a tool community food organisations may consider if compiling food parcels per meals, or to aid those accessing more choice community kai models. All recipes were crafted from commonly found pantry items within foodbanks and social supermarkets, and meet the Ministry of Health’s eating and activities nutritional guidelines.