Kai Motuhake

Re-indigenising and re-localising food systems: A starting place to tackle the legacy of colonisation in Aotearoa.

Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective humbly present our thoughts and perspectives on the role Te Ao Māori has on creating a food secure Aotearoa. Part of that is acknowledging the role colonisation has played and continues to play in our current state where food insecurity is a constant reality.

We have drawn from the wisdom of many sources and acknowledge we have only just skimmed the surface of this huge kaupapa.

We hope that you find meaning in illuminating the past to re-imagine the future, discovering the vital role Indigenous values have, with potential to benefit us all in Aotearoa, and beyond.

May this resource ground us and move us all closer towards a food secure Aotearoa built on Kai Motuhake.

For more information on this resource or to discuss further please contact : moko@korehiakai.org.nz

Kai Motuhake Webinar

On Tuesday 1st October, we hosted a webinar conversation to discuss the findings of the recently released Kai Motuhake resource. Here’s the recording now available on YouTube, for you to listen and reflect back on.

We were pleased to introduce Denis Grennell (Ngāti Maniopoto) and Brook Turner (Pākehā), two of our Kai Rawa trustees, to hear about their experiences, as well as Pounamu Skelton (Te Āti Awa, Taranaki, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Raukawa), who works for and is from Taranaki iwi teaching whanau how to grow kai.

Together, we began exploring how to visualise food security in an Aotearoa context, acknowledging the relationship Te Tiriti o Waitangi has with food, and considering how Tangata Tiriti can journey towards kai motuhake.

We aim to inspire and challenge you and ask that you engage to share your whakaaro/ideas and pātai/questions with us and others, as we continue together to explore and shape ourselves in this mahi.