April Pānui
He kai kei āku rainga
There is food at the end of my hands
Māra Kai at Kokiri Mārae in Te Awakairangi
As we continue to experience high levels of food insecurity it is incredible to see community organisations and groups strive for ways to empower people to be a part of their own food security. This month we feature the journey of Kokiri Mārae in Te Awakairangi who are meeting the immediate needs of low income whānau and creating community responses through Māra kai. Check out our champion story on Kokiri and their community.
Good Stories
We are keen to share your stories on social media. There are loads of great things happening within our communities. Please let us know what is happening with you. Like our Facebook or LinkedIn pages. Check out some of the good stories from the last month:
WCM Social Supermarket
Foodbank history
Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance (AFRA)
Kore Hiakai releases Mana to Mana Practice resource.
Mana to Mana Practice
Two weeks ago Kore Hiakai release our Mana to Mana Practice resource. This resource is intended to help organisations wrestle with their own journey in relation to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Food Security. It is not a prescriptive resource but one that requires reflection as well as action. We are hoping to workshop this resource in the second half of 2021. Look out for a workshop near you, or feel free to host one by getting in touch by emailing korehiakai@nzccss.org.nz
What is a Food Parcel
What is a Food Parcel?
BBack in August of 2020 Kore Hiakai invited 42 organisations to participate in research to help define: 'What is a Food Parcel?' Eighty percent of community food distributor champions responded and their wisdom insights analysed in order to gain a better understanding of the underlying reasons, factors and motivations for how a Food Parcel is configured by their organisation. A thorough report of Findings and Recommendations will be released soon..
Can we talk?
Meeting the nutritional requirements of a standardised Food Parcel which contains enough healthy kai to feed a whānau of four requires careful thought and consideration. Kore Hiakai are interested in your wisdom on how you meet the nutritional aspects when putting together your Food Parcels, and how we may be able to help with a framework. If you are interested please email to talk: tammie.korehiakai@nzccss.org.nz
Seven out of 10 people in Aotearoa believe Benefits should be increased
In December 2020 just over 70 organisations supported an open letter to the Prime Minister asking the government to increase benefits to be liveable incomes. Those organisations are still encouraging government to make those changes and we are hopeful that something will be included in this year’s Budget Day announcements – 20 May 2021 (the original open letter). Get in touch with ruby@actionstation.org.nz if your organisation would like to add their support.
3 May 2021 is the second anniversary of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group (WEAG) report recommending increases in benefits. Look out for events and actions marking this, including a social media campaign inviting you and your organisation to show you are part of the 7 out of 10 who believe benefits should be increased. In the meantime check out these recent articles:
renters and income support
economist's perspective on lifting income support
frontline service delivery and income support
climate change/a just transition and income support
COVID-19 insights on benefit increases
It is incredible to continue to see the range of things happening out in the community in order to make sure there is minimal impact from poverty related hunger. As we meet the immediate hunger within our communities may we constantly strive for how we empower people to be a part of the solution – including getting to choose what food they are receiving and eating.
Kore Hiakai are committed to mana to mana practice in the community food space as well as addressing the systemic causes of food related poverty. If there is anything you would like help with, or an issue you would like to collaborate with us on, please email.
Thank you for all that you do. Together we make a difference.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective
W. zerohunger.org.nz
Pou Ārahi
E. korehiakai@nzccss.org.nz
M. 027 462 4377
Pou Māori
E. wayne.korehiakai@nzccss.org.nz
M. 022 492 9667
Kaituitui Kōrero
E. tammie.korehiakai@nzccss.org.nz
M. 027 276 3605