Welcome to our March 2022 Pānui
Monthly Pānui Tric Malcolm Monthly Pānui Tric Malcolm

Welcome to our March 2022 Pānui

Heria te taura tangata. Weave the people.

As we learn to live in Phase Three of Red Level, with Omicron cases on the rise in our communities, we remind all to be safe and to follow the guidelines put out by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Development.

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Welcome to our January 2022 Pānui
Monthly Pānui Tric Malcolm Monthly Pānui Tric Malcolm

Welcome to our January 2022 Pānui

Heria te taura tangata. Weave the people.

Ngā mihi o te tau hou pākehā. As the new year dawns we stop to reflect, contemplate, and to think about the way ahead. We take this time to tally the lessons learnt and to think about how we can apply them to new, collaborative and innovative beginnings.

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Welcome to our Mid-November 2021 Pānui
Monthly Pānui Tric Malcolm Monthly Pānui Tric Malcolm

Welcome to our Mid-November 2021 Pānui

In a time when things are constantly changing, and the relentlessness of the COVID kai space is not abating, we are all continuing to adapt and rethink. It can be exhausting. While there can be a danger with compartmentalizing, pushing everything into boxes and fighting for territory, within it all there is also an invitation to see our cohesive nature in this food systems space - to find ways to connect, with each other, and across all the aspects of wellbeing.

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Welcome to our September 2021 Pānui
Monthly Pānui Curative Monthly Pānui Curative

Welcome to our September 2021 Pānui

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tāngata. He tāngata. He tāngata. What is the most import thing in the world? The people. The people. The people.

Tēnā koutou. This past month has been a challenging time for us all. Foodbanks, community food organisations and social services throughout Aotearoa – especially our kaitautoko in Tāmaki Makaurau, experienced double, triple and quadruple increased need for Food Parcel support due to lockdown. We commend you all for being adaptive as you learnt to operate your services around the adjusted Delta variant frameworks!

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Volunteer Champion
Catalyst & Champion stories Tric Malcolm Catalyst & Champion stories Tric Malcolm

Volunteer Champion

This world is a much better place for all the good people who authentically do good. Volunteers especially are often the extended threads in many of our champion stories. They are frequently woven into spaces where funding is constrained and resourcing limited, genuinely helping to make an invaluable difference.

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Pānui August
Monthly Pānui Curative Monthly Pānui Curative

Pānui August

Kia ora whānau,

We hope you are all safe and well! Thank you for all you are doing at this time to bring kai to those who are struggling to access it for whatever reasons during this alert level 4 lockdown.

We know that when we go to alert level 3 & 4 a myriad of support systems are removed for whānau whose incomes can’t cover their basic expenses. Without school lunches, breakfast and after school clubs, community gardens, community meals and wider whānau support the cupboards quickly become bare. Thank you for staying in this space and bringing hauora to so many.

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July 2021 Pānui
Monthly Pānui Curative Monthly Pānui Curative

July 2021 Pānui

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua

By caring for the land and the people the future will be prosperous

Aotearoa Standard Food Parcel Measure Launched (ASFPM):

Thank you to those of you who joined us for the official launch of the Aotearoa Standard Food Parcel Measure on Thursday 22 July. This is a significant step towards bringing a common voice across the community food space and holding the mana of those we serve.

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June 2021 Pānui
Monthly Pānui Curative Monthly Pānui Curative

June 2021 Pānui

Heria te taura tangata

Weave the people.

As we move through the depths of winter and experience a return to COVID Alert Level 2 in part of our country, we are reminded how we are all in this together. Kore Hiakai continues to be inspired by the amazing things people are doing in their communities to both meet the needs of those who experience poverty-related hunger and to create longer-term food security. We invite you to explore that with us…

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Welcome to our May Pānui
Monthly Pānui, Pātaka Curative Monthly Pānui, Pātaka Curative

Welcome to our May Pānui

Heading towards Matariki we know it is in our work together that the deeper solutions are found. We are grateful everyday for the many people and organisations who contribute to our mahi and to uplifting whānau locally.

In our pānui this month we hope you are inspired by the stories of others, find opportunities to connect and share your wisdom, see your contribution to how we are challenging the root causes of poverty and feel upheld in the amazing mahi that you are doing.

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April Pānui
Monthly Pānui, Pātaka Curative Monthly Pānui, Pātaka Curative

April Pānui

2021 has started with as much flexibility required as 2020. It is incredible to see your adaptability and resilience as we attempt to meet the needs of whānau struggling to maintain food security during uncertain times. Kia kaha - we are in this together!

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